
Factors that Influence the Permeability Analysis in Magnetic Resonance Studies of the Prostate

Methods: The permeability analysis was performed using the IntelliSpace portal, manufactured by PHILIPS with the Permeability package. The variables changed during processing were the AIF, temporal and spatial smoothing filters. For each equipment field strength a processing protocol was created informing the injection time, the relaxativity and the concentration of the contrast agent.
Results and Discussion: There is a significant difference in the values of permeability between the Manual and Automatic AIF processing. Temporal smoothing filters showed greater variation when using the medium setting. This variation occurs for all examined criteria (ktrans, kep, Ve and Vp). Spatial smoothing filters do not alter substantially the results of the permeability analysis.
Conclusion: There is a big difference in the result of permeability obtained comparing the Automatic and Manual AIF analysis, and may be in the order of 250%. Temporal and spatial smoothing filters have small, non-significant variations in the results.


Marcio Vieweger Vasques and Christina Rodrigues Gonçalves Vasques

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